
The @Route annotation has a singleTop property that instructs the Router to maintain only one instance of the screen in the screens hierarchy. When you call router.route(SingleTopPath()), if an instance of this path already exists in the current hierarchy, the Router will close all screens above the existing instance of SingleTopPath() in the stack.

The singleTop property has three options:

  1. None: This is the default value, indicating no single top behavior.

  2. Class: Path equality is determined by the equality of their classes. That is, path0::class == path1::class.

  3. Equal: Path equality is determined by the equals method. That is, path0 == path1.

Simple case

Let’s take a look at a simple example. Imagine our views stack looks like the picture below, which includes a SingleTopPath (blue rectangle). Now, we want to add another SingleTopPath (yellow rectangle) to the stack.

Try to add another one SingleTopPath item
Try to add another one SingleTopPath item

The Router will find the existing instance of SingleTopPath in the stack.

Router found existing instance
Router found existing instance

And close all stack items above that instance. We will then have a resulting stack as shown in the picture below:

Resulting stac
Resulting stack

Tabs case

Let’s take a look at an example with tabs. We have the following hierarchy, where the active tab is TabPath1 (red rectangle). TabPath0 already contains a SingleTopPath instance in the middle of its stack (blue rectangle). Now, we want to navigate to the SingleTopPath (yellow rectangle).

Try to add another one SingleTopPath item
Try to add another one SingleTopPath item

The Router will find the existing instance of SingleTopPath in the stack.

Router found existing instance
Router found existing instance

To navigate to the existing instance of SingleTopPath, the Router first changes the current tab to TabPath0, where SingleTopPath resides.

Change selected tab to TabPath0
Change selected tab to TabPath0

And then close all stack items above that instance. We will then have a resulting stack as shown in the picture below:

Resulting stack
Resulting stack


Tab paths can't have singleTop property other then None because they have their own similar behaviour.

Last updated