
Middleware serves as a tool to intercept navigation between screens under specific conditions. For instance, when a user attempts to navigate to a screen that requires authentication, but the user is not signed in, the Middleware intercepts the navigation and redirects the user to the sign-in screen.

Middleware is created in two steps:

  1. Create a Middleware Annotation

    First, create a middleware annotation and mark it with the @Middleware annotation:

annotation class MiddlewareSample
  1. Create a Middleware Controller

    Next, create a Middleware controller by inheriting from MiddlewareController or MiddlewareControllerComponent. Mark it with the previously created annotation to connect this controller to the annotation:

class MiddlewareControllerSample: MiddlewareController

From this point, you can use your annotation to mark a RouteController, indicating that it should call this middleware before navigating to the controller's screen.

abstract class SampleRouteController: RouteControllerApp<SamplePath, SampleScreen>()

The difference between MiddlewareController and MiddlewareControllerComponent is that the latter includes the onInject method. This method is called after the middleware is created and provides the instance of the component for injection.

class MiddlewareControllerSample: MiddlewareController
    // Implement necessary methods here 

class MiddlewareControllerComponentSample: MiddlewareControllerComponent
    override fun onInject(component: Any)
        // Implement injection logic here 

Full code example:

// Create middleware annotation
annotation class MiddlewareAuth

// Mark MiddlewareController as MiddlewareAuth
class MiddlewareControllerAuth: MiddlewareControllerComponent
    lateinit var userData: UserData

    // This will be called for injection
    override fun onInject(component: Any)
        (component as AppComponent).inject(this)

    // This method will be called during navigation
    override fun onRoute(router: Router, prev: RoutePath?, next: RouteParamsGen): Boolean
        if (!userData.isLogin.value!!)
            return true // return true to block the current navigation 

        return false

// Then mark the RouteController as MiddlewareAuth 
abstract class TabAuthRouteController: RouteControllerApp<TabPath2, TabViewModel, TabFragment>()

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