

See sample-hilt

To use Hilt with Compose, you need to add one extra dependency:

implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:android-hilt:$version"

Also, in RouteController you should use AndroidHiltViewModelProvider as ViewModelProvider

typealias RouteControllerApp<Path, VM, V> = RouteControllerVM<Path, VM, AndroidHiltViewModelProvider, V>

To get a ViewModel in a Compose view, use the routerHiltViewModel() method as shown in the example below:

class MainView: BaseViewCompose()
    override fun Root()
        Main(viewModel = routerHiltViewModel())

fun Main(viewModel: MainViewModel)

If you want to pass parameters to the screen's ViewModel, you should use AssistedInjection in the ViewModel. This allows you to inject dependencies as well as additional parameters when creating the ViewModel. Here's an example:

@HiltViewModel(assistedFactory = StepViewModel.Factory::class)
class StepViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    @Assisted val step: Int,
    app: Application): BaseViewModel(app)
    interface Factory
        fun create(step: Int): StepViewModel

Here's an example to illustrate the logic of creating a ViewModel in a RouteController using Hilt with AssistedInjection:

class StepPath(val step: Int): RoutePath

abstract class StepRouteController: RouteControllerApp<StepPath, StepViewModel, StepView>()
    override fun onCreateViewModel(modelProvider: AndroidHiltViewModelProvider, path: StepPath): StepViewModel =
        modelProvider.getViewModel { f: StepViewModel.Factory -> f.create(path.step) }

Full example of AssistedInjection you can find here


If you want to use Middleware with injection, you should first obtain the Application Component from Hilt and then pass it to the Router. To do this, modify the App class as shown in the example below:

class App: ComposeApplication<RouterComponentImpl>()
    lateinit var component: AppComponent // Shared component for the Middleware controllers

    override fun onCreateComponent()
        // Create it like the Hilt's documentation says
        component = EntryPoints.get(this, AppComponent::class.java)

    override fun onCreateRouter()
        routerComponent = RouterComponentImpl()
        routerComponent.initialize(MainPath(), { _, _ -> AnimationControllerComposeSlide() }, component)

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