

Project Module

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

App Module

implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:router:$version"
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:annotations:$version"
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:fragment:$version" // add support of fragments
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:compose:$version" // add support of compose
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:fragmentcompose:$version" // add support of mixed

kapt "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:processor:$version"

Code example

You can find an example project at sample-mixed

Before reading this section, please make sure to read the sections about Fragments and Compose.


In the first step, we need to configure our Application class. Your Application class should be inherited from the ComposeApplication class and create and initialize the RouterComponentImpl in the onCreateRouter method.

If you're not using Component injection, the App class should look like this:

class App: MixedApplication<RouterComponentImpl>()
    lateinit var component: AppComponent

    override fun onCreateRouter()
        routerComponent = RouterComponentImpl()
        routerComponent.initialize(MainPath(), AnimationFactory(), component)

    override fun provideHostFragmentComposeFactory(): HostFragmentComposeFactory =


class App: MixedApplication<RouterComponentImpl>()
    lateinit var component: AppComponent

    override fun onCreateComponent()

        component = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
            .appModule(AppModule(AppData("App String")))

    override fun onCreateRouter()
        routerComponent = RouterComponentImpl()
        routerComponent.initialize(MainPath(), AnimationFactory(), component)

    override fun provideHostFragmentComposeFactory(): HostFragmentComposeFactory =

You need to override the provideHostFragmentComposeFactory method to provide a factory that creates the host Fragment where the Router will display the Compose view in the case of Fragment to Compose view navigation. Below is an example of the implementation:

class HostFragmentComposeFactoryImpl: HostFragmentComposeFactory
    override fun onCreateComposeHostView(): ComposeHostView =

    override fun onCreateAnimation(): AnimationControllerFragment<RoutePath, View>? =

Last updated