
Use this type of RouteController if you don't require a ViewModel but need the application component for injection. It includes the onCreateView and onInject methods, which are required to be overridden. You can override these methods yourself or let the Router do it during code generation. Override the onCreateView method if you need to pass parameters to the screen. Override onInject if you have your own method of injection. By default, it generates code like:

protected override fun onInject(view: SimpleComponentScreen, component: AppComponent)

It's a good practice to create typealias for this controller

typealias RouteControllerApp<Path, V> = RouteControllerC<Path, V, AppComponent>

Where AppComponent is a shared application component

// Define path to the screen without parameters
class ScreenPath: RouterPath

// Connect the path and screen using RouteController
abstract class ScreenRouteController: RouteControllerApp<ScreenPath, ScreenView>()
data class ScreenPath(val title: String): RoutePath

class ScreenRouteController: RouteControllerApp<ScreenPath, ScreenView>()
    //@Inject optional if needed
    lateinit var userData: UserData // injected by onInject

    override fun onCreateView(path: ScreenPath): ScreenView = // logic of creating of the Screen and pass params to it
    // optional
    override fun onInject(view: ScreenView, component: AppComponent)
        // you custom code to inject dependencies

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