

Project Module

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

App Module

implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:router:$version"
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:annotations:$version"
implementation "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:fragment:$version" // add support of fragments

kapt "com.github.AlexExiv.Router-Android:processor:$version"

Code example

You can find an example project at sample-fragment


In the first step, we need to configure our `Application` class.

Your `Application` class should be inherited from the `FragmentApplication` class and create and initialize the `RouterComponentImpl` in the `onCreateRouter` method.

If you're not using Component injection, the App class should look like this:

class App: FragmentApplication<RouterComponentImpl>()
    override fun onCreateRouter()
        routerComponent = RouterComponentImpl()
        routerComponent.initialize(MainPath(), { _, _ -> AnimationControllerDefault() })


class App: FragmentApplication<RouterComponentImpl>()
    lateinit var component: AppComponent

    override fun onCreateComponent()

        component = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
            .appModule(AppModule(AppData("App String")))

    override fun onCreateRouter()
        routerComponent = RouterComponentImpl()
        routerComponent.initialize(MainPath(), { _, _ -> AnimationControllerDefault() }, component)


The second step involves implementing a simple MainActivity class. This class should inherit from the FragmentActivity class from the bootstrap package.

Simple MainActivity class:

class MainActivity: FragmentActivity(R.layout.activity_main)

It's enough if you're using single activity way. Now let's create our first Fragment


Your Fragment should be inherited from the Fragment from the bootstrap package

class SimpleFragment: Fragment(R.layout.fragment_simple)
    override fun onViewCreated(view: android.view.View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        arguments // access data


Using with class we will navigate to the SimpleFragment screen

class SimplePath: RoutePath

Now we have to connect SimplePath with SimpleFragment. In the case of Fragment we have the same way of implementing of RouteControllers and Paths. Look at simple example bellow

abstract class SimpleRouteController: RouteController<SimplePath, SimpleFragment>()

It generates the onCreateView method by default if you don't need to pass there extra parameters

Here, we have another example of a simple RouteController. In this case, we aim to pass parameters to the screen. When you need to transmit data to your Fragment view, you'll need to implement onCreateView yourself and deliver the data to the view using the arguments property.

Important: Ensure that the data is serializable to be preserved in the state.

data class SimplePath(val title: String): RoutePath

class SimpleRouteController: RouteController<SimplePath, SimpleFragment>()
    override fun onCreateView(path: SimplePath): SimpleFragment =
        SimpleFragment().apply {
            arguments = Bundle().apply {
                putString("TITLE_KEY", path.title)

Code example with ViewModel

Now let's take a look at how RouteController looks like when our Fragment has a ViewModel


When working with ViewModels, it's beneficial to create a typealias of RouteController

typealias RouteControllerApp<Path, VM, V> = RouteControllerVM<Path, VM, FragmentViewModelProvider, V> // if you don't use Component fo injection
typealias RouteControllerApp<Path, VM, V> = RouteControllerVMC<Path, VM, FragmentViewModelProvider, V, AppComponent> // otherwise

If you're not passing arguments to your screen, the definition of RouteController remains almost the same, except for adding SimpleViewModel to the RouteController.

class SimplePath: RoutePath // The same

// Simple case
abstract class SimpleRouteController: RouteControllerApp<SimplePath, SimpleViewModel, SimpleFragment>()

If you wish to pass arguments, you must override the onCreateViewModel method and create the ViewModel as shown in the code below:

class SimplePath(val step: Int): RoutePath // The same

// When you need to pass data to the ViewModel you have to override the onCreateViewModel method
abstract class SimpleRouteController: RouteControllerApp<SimplePath, SimpleViewModel, SimpleFragment>()
    override fun onCreateViewModel(modelProvider: FragmentViewModelProvider, path: SimplePath): SimpleViewModel =
        modelProvider.getViewModel { SimpleViewModel(path.step, it) }


In this case, we need to inherit our SimpleFragment from the FragmentViewModel generic class and pass our ViewModel as a parameter.

The SimpleFragment class becomes:

class SimpleFragment: FragmentViewModel<SimpleViewModel>(R.layout.fragment_simple)
    override fun onViewCreated(view: android.view.View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        viewModel // will be injected by framework


The SimpleViewModel class should inherit from the AndroidViewModel class provided by the bootstrap package.

class SimpleViewModel(val step: Int, app: Application): AndroidViewModel(app)

It's a good practice to create a BaseViewModel class. See example of BaseViewModel

See other examples here

You can find full example of project at sample-fragment

Last updated